Private coaching

Let’s Optimize Your Fertility Together

You've always wanted to be a mother, but the journey's been harder than you expected. I'm here to support you along the way and ensure you experience joy, peace, and empowerment on your path to motherhood. 

real talk:

1 in 5 women struggle with fertility in the U.S.

Women's hormones can be complex and there may be many different factors that are impacting your fertility. I'm here to help you uncover that root cause and implement solutions to improve it. I believe we're all unique, so quick fixes and one size fits all approaches don't work when it comes to fertility. This journey can be hard, but...

You don't have to do it alone.

I'm here to help change that and ensure you don't become part of that statistic, by helping you prepare your mind, body, and soul before pregnancy.

reserve your free consultation

How It Works


We'll have an initial consultation where we dive deep into your current symptoms and overall health.


I'll share knowledge and reccommendations that are tailored to your unique cycle and fertility. 


You'll feel confident and empowered to make changes and optimize your health and fertility. 

i can help because i've been there

I was stressed, confused, and searching for answers

When my husband and I started trying for a baby, I thought it would happen right away. 

After struggling for years and feeling overwhelmed, I started to dive in deep and learned how to optimize my fertility before getting pregnant naturally. 

Now I can help you do the same.

Here’s What You Need

foundational knowledge

After an individual assessment, you'll learn more about your cycle, hormones, and how fertility is more than just physical health. 

personalized plan

Based on your unique symptoms and fertility barriers, we'll develop a plan together complete with a personalized action plan and simple habit changes. 

confidence and empowerment

I'll teach you everything I know, so that you can feel confident about YOUR body and empowered to make changes that improve YOUR health and fertility. 

“Every woman deserves to feel empowered to improve and take charge of her fertility”

Clarissa- founder of Blossoming fertility

How does this sound?

the results you're going to get:


Thoroughly understand your unique barriers to optimal fertility


Increased knowledge about your cycle and reproductive hormones


Personalized plan tailored to your unique fertility journey and lifestyle.


Form sustainable habits and gain confidence from seeing real time changes to your cycle


Feel empowered to live a fertile life before pregnancy and start trying when you're ready

Yes, It Really Works

From autopilot to connected

Learn how you and your husband can optimize fertility together. 

Fertility challenges can create a strain on your relationship and I can help you rekindle the excitement and joy along the way. As women, we naturally assume that our bodies are solely responsible for the health of our babies. However, it takes two to make a healthy baby and I'll teach you how you and your husband can partner together on the fertility journey.

From overworked to balanced

Learn how to work with the cyclical nature of your hormones.

Do you find yourself looking up and realizing that it's been 6+ hours and you've been in back to back meetings, skipped lunch, and/or worked the whole time. All those extra hours you put in at your job can negatively impact your hormones. I'll help you find balance and create better boundaries. 

From Dieting to Nourished

Learn which foods to eat during your cycle and ditch the diets for good.

Do you find yourself skipping breakfast, maybe opting for a cup (or two) of coffee instead? Lunch is something light like a salad, if you even get to it. Skipping meals can disrupt the delicate balance of your fertility hormones. I'll teach you how to properly nourish your body for optimal fertility while enjoying delicious foods. 

This could be you...

From Stressed to calm

Learn how to manage and reduce the stress in your life to feel calm again.

Our everyday lives are becoming more and more stressful. From working long hours, being distracted and constantly stimulated by our phones, and not getting enough sleep, we're in a constant state of stress. Your reproductive system turns off when you're in a in a constant state of fight or flight. I can show you how to calm your nervous system and activate your parasympathetic response.

Let me help you optimize your fertility 

I'm so ready!

shaina finally had some free time again

“Working with Blaire was one of the best decisions I've made in my business. It's literally been game-changing.”

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Next Case Study 

Is This Right For You?

You know you want kids in the future

You're unsure where to start

YOu WANT TO prepare your mind & body for pregnancy

Your current lifestyle is stressful

you're ready to learn more about your cycle and fertility

is that a yes?

I Can't Wait to Help You Optimize Your Fertility

Every woman can benefit from learning this information and improving their cycle health, but I understand this may not be the right fit for everyone. If you're on the fence and have additional questions then please reach out. I'd love to connect with you to answer your questions and see how I can help you with your unique situation. 

schedule a free call

“If only I had a Fertility Coach before we started trying to conceive.  Now I can provide the support I wish I had years ago.”

clarissa- Founder of Blossoming Fertility


Follow along for inspiration and education to help with every step of your fertility journey. 
