Fertile Foundation™

Fertile Foundation™

Inside this course, you'll find everything you need to optimize your fertility by preparing your mind, body, and soul for pregnancy. It truly is a one stop shop for all things fertility and will help you experience joy, peace, and empowerment along your path to motherhood. 

REady to LEARN THE SECRETS TO getting pregnant naturally?


sign me up!

I'm honored and excited to support you on this sacred journey

My name's Clarissa and I'm a Certified Fertility Health Coach and Functional Hormone Specialist IC-FHS.

I founded Blossoming Fertility for the woman who knows in her heart that she's meant to be a mom, but has faced some setbacks along the way. 

Whether you've been trying for years, or are just starting your journey, this course will provide you with the foundational knowledge you need to optimize your fertility and increase your chances of conceiving naturally.

hey there friend!

Tell me,
does this sound familiar?

Tell me, does this sound familiar?


Endlessly scrolling through social media, feeling triggered, jealous, and sad when you see pregnancy announcements, wondering when it'll be your turn...


Obsessing over everything you eat, drink, and do thinking it'll be the missing piece only to find out you got your period again this cycle.


Consuming so much free content between podcasts, blogs, and social media, only to feel even more confused with all the conflicting info


Feeling guilty for waiting so long to start trying and wishing you'd started earlier, even if you weren't fully ready at the time. 

I see you, and I've been there...

I know exactly how it feels to want to be a mom so bad that it hurts. Your heart breaks a little more as each month passes by. There's an emptiness inside of you that nothing else seems to fill.

I remember feeling completely hopeless after losing the belief that it could happen for me. Feeling powerless because everything seemed out of my control. Those first 2 years of our 3 year journey were the hardest years of my life. 

It doesn't have to be like this for you though, because there's another way! Your fertility journey can and should be filled with joy, peace, and self love. You should feel empowered and confident in your body's ability to get pregnant naturally. 

let me show you what i discovered, so you can reclaim your fertility and become the mother you're meant to be

I'm sharing my signature Fertility C.H.I. Framework™, which is a holistic approach to optimizing fertility and getting pregnant naturally. In this course, you'll plant seeds in fertile ground, so that your baby can grow, and you can blossom into the mother you’re meant to be.

fertile fouNdation™


Your mind is the most powerful tool on your fertility journey. Let's work to create a positive and more resilient mindset

Here's What's Inside

Conquer Your MIND

Honor Your BODY

Module one

module two

Exciting news! This first round of Fertile Foundation will be taught as a group program. That means you'll get to experience these transformations alongside other women in community and friendship.

During our weekly calls, we'll come together to celebrate each other's wins, provide support through any struggles, and get answers to any questions You're not alone in this journey and we'll be there for each other every step of the way!

Special limited time Bonus

Ignite Your SOUL

module Three


Group Experience

Lesson 1: Defining your why
Lesson 2: Making space for baby pt 1
Lesson 3: Making space for baby pt 2
Lesson 4: The power of belief
Lesson 5: Stress and fertility
Lesson 6: Trauma, habits, & behaviors
Lesson 7: Feeling is healing

Your body is a sacred place that is creating new life. You'll learn how to nourish it and gain body literacy to feel fully empowered 

Lesson 1: Fertility 101
Lesson 2: The rhythm of your cycle
Lesson 3: Intro to Cycle Tracking
Lesson 4: Nourishment
Lesson 5: Rest
Lesson 6: Movement
Lesson 7: It takes two

Don't underestimate the power of aligning with your soul's desires. You'll learn to embody the full essence of who you are 

Lesson 1: Feminine vs. masculine energy
Lesson 2: Living the fertile life
Lesson 3: Soul aligned life
Lesson 4: Finding joy again
Lesson 5: Self connection
Lesson 6: Baby connection
Lesson 7: Community connection

Experience the course alongside fellow women looking to conceive their babies 

I'm so in!

You have an unwavering belief and confidence in your body and it's ability to conceive naturally

Imagine a world in which...

For the first time ever, you experience a deep sense of peace, knowing that your baby is right around the corner



(yes, it's possible)

Your fertility journey ends up being the greatest gift, as it's when you became the highest level version of yourself


Your days are filled with pure bliss and joy as you reconnect with the desires of your soul


You begin to notice the signs all around you confirming that you're fully supported by God and the universe along this journey


say no more, I'm in!

"But Clarissa, can you promise me I'll get pregnant?"

I really wish i could make that promise, but just like any healthcare provider, i can't guarantee that you'll get pregnant. Here's what i can promise though...

As a woman, your body was designed to conceive. I promise that this course will provide you with the knowledge, tools, and support to tap into the innate wisdom of your body, so that you'll have the absolute best possible chance at becoming pregnant. 

I know what it's like to experience false hope and that's not what i want for you. It's truly an honor to guide you on this sacred journey and it's not something I take lightly. I believe in your ability to get pregnant and am fully committed to your success.

“This course made my business dreams come true! I made six figures, and I couldn't have done it without Kate!”


Kind words


A year from now you'll wish you'd started today...

So let's get started!

After three years of fertility challenges I was able to conceive naturally

The first two years, I felt completely hopeless and defeated. But then I decided to dive deep, learn all I could, and do the inner work to uncover the secrets to optimal fertility. This holistic approach allowed me to conceive naturally and manifest my pregnancy.

i got pregnant

Yes, It Really Works!

My fertility journey prepared me for pregnancy and motherhood

Looking back, I'm so glad that I took the time to not only prepare my body, but also my mind and my soul before getting pregnant. I had a wonderful blissful pregnancy and the lifestyle and mindset shifts I made helped set me up for success in motherhood as well.

I had a blissful pregnancy

This approach helped me return to myself and become an even better version than before

During the hardest part of my fertility journey, I didn't like the person I was becoming. Investing the time to learn about my body and heal myself from the inside out, transformed me into the person I am today. It helped me discover my purpose and passion to help other women experience that same peace and joy on their fertility journeys. 

i discovered my purpose

Here's my story...

This bonus module includes 7 additional lessons to supplement your learning in this course.  You'll find all the resources you need and some of the topics include, supplements, testing, a compilation of all my go to resources, a birth control detox, and so much more! I've left no stone unturned to provide the resources YOU need, on your unique journey.

Receive an extra bonus module!

Free lessons

Bonus Course Module


Study at your own pace

lifetime course access

supportive & inspiring community

Follow a proven roadmap

Stop trying to piece everything together yourself and trying random advice to see what sticks

Start believing in yourself and your ability to conceive naturally

Continue reflecting inward and connecting with yourself and your future baby

Fully commit to your dream of motherhood and invest the time and resources to make it a reality

Surround yourself with positive, like-minded women for community and support

Learn from someone who has been in your shoes, overcame the obstacles, and got pregnant naturally

If you want THIS to be the year that you *finally* get pregnant:

Just what I need

I want you to be fully confident with your purchase

Here at Blossoming Fertility, we strive for an exceptional customer experience and pride ourselves in creating and offering products that will serve, support, and guide you on your fertility journey. If we fall short of this in any way, we want to help make it right.

If you’re not satisfied with the course for any reason, we’ll give you a full refund within 14 days of purchase. 



This is for you if:

You know you want to become the best version of yourself before getting pregnant

You're looking for a quick fix and aren't willing to change

YOu desire to experience joy and peace on your fertility journey and a blissful pregnancy

YOU'RE NOT WILLING TO dive deep and DO the inner WORK

you're ready to learn with an open mind and a receptive heart

It's probably not for you if...

You don't actually believe that you can get pregnant naturally

Let's Do This Thing!

So what are you waiting for?

What if I don't have time to complete the course?

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't have time to complete the course?

Frequently Asked Questions

I get it, we're all busy these days! The good news is, you. have lifetime access to the course! You can refer back to it anytime, even for future pregnancies if needed. 

Will this course help me get pregnant?

Will this course help me get pregnant?

I really wish i could guarantee that you'll get pregnant after taking this course, but just like any healthcare provider, it's not possible to make that promise.  Here's what i can promise though...

As a woman, your body was designed to conceive. I promise that this course will provide you with the knowledge, tools, and support to tap into the innate wisdom of your body, so that you'll have the absolute best possible chance at becoming pregnant. 

I know what it's like to experience false hope and that's not what I want for you. It's truly an honor to guide you on this sacred journey and it's not something I take lightly. I believe in your ability to get pregnant and am fully committed to your success.

What if I change my mind, can I get a refund?

What if I change my mind, can I get a refund?

Here at Blossoming Fertility, we strive for an exceptional customer experience and pride ourselves in creating and offering products that will serve, support, and guide you on your fertility journey. If we fall short of this in any way, we want to help make it right.

If you’re not satisfied with the course for any reason, we’ll give you a full refund within 14 days of purchase. 

How is this course different from other fertility courses?

How is this course different from other fertility courses?

During my journey, I took my fair share of fertility courses plus group programs and 1:1 coaching. This course is unique, because I've combined the most meaningful takeaways from each of them, the proven strategies that helped me get pregnant, the knowledge I gained from my certifications, and cut out all the fluff. This course is everything I wish I had on my fertility journey and is packaged up nicely for you at a fraction of the cost I spent acquiring this knowledge (upwards of $20,000). Consider this, your one stop shop for all your fertility needs. Plus, with lifetime access, you'll any updates that are made to the course for free! As a forever student I'm always looking for ways to increase my knowledge around fertility. I promise to share any learnings with you and you'll be notified of all future updates to the course. I'm always open to feedback, so if you feel that something is missing, or you need more of something, just let me know and I'll do my best to include it on future versions. 

How long does this course take to complete?

How long does this course take to complete?

The course can be completed at your own pace, so you can go as slow or as fast as you want. There are 3 modules, with 7 lessons in each, so the course could easily be completed within 3 weeks if you listened to 1 lesson per day. You'll find that you may want to take your time with certain lessons though, especially if they really resonate with you. You have lifetime access though, so take your time and come back to things as often as needed. 

What if I can't attend the group coaching calls live?

What if I can't attend the group coaching calls live?

No problem at all! The group calls will be recorded and uploaded to the course portal, so you can view at a later time. 

My situation is unique. Will this course work for me?

My situation is unique. Will this course work for me?

Most likely yes. When it comes to fertility 101 and the mechanics of the female body, we all need the same ingredients to conceive (healthy egg, sperm, uterus, etc.) however, I believe that fertility and creating new life is much more than just a physical process though. This course provides a holistic approach to optimizing your fertility and will help you prepare your mind, body, and soul for pregnancy regardless of your unique circumstance. However, please note that this course is not designed to address any specific diagnoses, and instead provides strategies to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

I'm looking for one on one support. Should I still take this course?

I'm looking for one on one support. Should I still take this course?

Absolutely! I highly encourage all of my 1:1 clients to take this course first, before we work together. Reason being, is this will give you the foundational knowledge needed to optimize your fertility. That way we can maximize our time together on helping you implement these techniques vs. using our calls to teach you the basics. Plus, if you choose to work with me as your coach, I'll always apply what you paid for the course, as a credit towards your coaching investment!

shoot me an email

I completely understand, because you've already invested so much in your fertility. Every dollar invested is important and I want to ensure you don't waste another dollar or minute of your time.  I believe our paths crossed for a reason, so if you're feeling called to this program, trust your gut. If not, no problem! You can always reach out if you have questions.

Still on the fence?