Hey there friend! I’m pleased to share another guest interview with you today featuring Bethany Lovern. Before getting pregnant with her two sons, Bethany and her husband faced fertility challenges for many years.
In our discussion, she candidly shares what she went through during her multi-year journey. Now, as a Speech Pathologist turned Lactation Consultant, she helps breastfeeding mamas work out their struggle with latching and nursing pain so they can exclusively breastfeed their babies. Here’s a summary of our conversation:

Listen to the Full Episode Here
When and How Her Journey Began
Like many young couples today, Bethany and her husband waited before trying to have kids. They set out to finish college, pay off debt, and ensure they were financially stable before attempting to grow their family. As a healthy woman, she never expected to face fertility challenges along the way.
Bethany’s Personal Fertility Journey
She always knew she wanted to be a mom, but for some reason she thought she might have trouble getting pregnant. Drea goes on to share how her personal fertility journey started casually with them trying naturally for years. Her approach has always been to try and heal things naturally first before using medicine as a last resort.
About halfway in they decided to do IUI, but continued to investigate further when it was unsuccessful. After some testing, a surgery, and trying naturally again, she finally felt ready to do IVF. The journey wasn’t easy though and she goes on to share how emotionally, she felt very angry, despite feeling fine physically. This didn’t feel like her typical self though and she knew something felt off. She relied on her experience with mindset work to really process these feelings and overcome the negative thoughts.
Spirit Babies & Trusting in the Timing
Her journey began with a few rounds of clomid after not being able to get pregnant for a year. They also did sperm testing and multiple HSG tests to ensure her fallopian tubes were not blocked. After a health scare that put things into perspective, they continued on with multiple IUI’s. Unfortunately, they didn’t work and one ended up as an ectopic pregnancy. Bethany shares her experience with this loss, what it was like returning to work, and how she coped through the challenges.
She did seek counseling to help her navigate the rollercoaster of emotions she was feeling, because at times it felt easier to avoid them altogether. She felt as if her body was broken and that something was wrong with her. They ultimately decided to do IVF and ended up doing multiple rounds as well, one of which ended in miscarriage.
Opening up to Others and Navigating Friendships
Throughout these challenges, she was hesitant to open up to other people and share what they were going through. Eventually she started to and found a few women who were also on their journeys. This dynamic had pros and cons, because it became challenging when the other women got pregnant, while she was still trying. Bethany shares her feelings about these relationship dynamics and how she moved past them.
Her Pregnancy Experience
After years of trying to conceive, and pregnancies resulting in loss, they got pregnant again after an IVF round. It was difficult for her to believe that the pregnancy would last, and at every turn she kept expecting to lose the baby again. Even after giving birth and leaving the hospital, she was very emotional, as she thought that day would never come.
Despite the emotional upheaval she faced, Bethany bravely shares her journey to become a mother, which serves as a reminder of the strength and determination required along the fertility journey.
Learn More About Bethany and Her Work
As a Lactation Consultant and Speech Therapist, Bethany helps breastfeeding mamas with latching and nursing pain, so they can continue to exclusively breastfeed. She turned her experience with her son, who had a lip-tie and a tongue-tie, into an opportunity to serve other women facing similar challenges.
You can connect with Bethany on her Instagram, Website, and listen to the Breastfeeding Relief w/ Bethany Podcast.
I hope this conversation helped you to realize that you are not alone on this journey.
If you’re looking for additional support on your fertility journey, be sure to download the Fertility Affirmations Meditation I created just for you. It’s completely FREE and will provide you with a sense of comfort, all while helping to reignite your belief in your ability to get pregnant naturally.